Weather data: an open source of information!


On the 7th of July Alliander organized a webinar (in English) on the Weather Provider API. This webinar waas presented in English. Missed it? Then read this or watch this. Or check out the  Weather Provider API project page.

Weather data

We can’t keep it from raining. What we can do, however, is change how we do things when it rains. There is a lot of meteorological information available, information we can use to forecast the weather, determine the historical effects of the weather on what we do, and even create models that can predict the best steps for us to take when it starts to rain. In short, there is a lot of information that can help us get the best out of the weather. 

Easy and uniform

This Weather Provider API has been developed to make meteorological information easily and uniformly available. Users can request this information via a simple query and receive it in a format that is most practical for them, regardless of the complexity and formats of the original source. The purpose of the Weather Provider API, therefore, is to provide easy-to-consume access to a large number of weather data sets.  

Open source available

As of the beginning of 2021, Alliander open sourced the API in order to enable others to use it. We also hope this will generate cooperation and contributions to the source code.  

Would you like to know more about the Weather Provider API and how you can contribute?