The Government and grid operators Alliander, Enexis and Stedin have reached an agreement on the terms that will allow future capital injections and related shareholdings by the Government in the grid operators. The terms are set out in a ‘framework of agreements’ that the Minister of Finance, Sigrid Kaag, and the Minister for Climate and Energy Policy, Rob Jetten, sent to the Dutch House of Representatives on 28 November 2022. The framework will now be submitted for a decision to the supervisory boards, employee representation bodies and existing shareholders of the grid managers. Strengthening the grid operators’ equity is essential for continued investment in the energy transition at a socially acceptable cost.
Agreement on the terms of the Government’s shareholdings in regional grid operators
The Government and grid operators Alliander, Enexis and Stedin have reached an agreement on the terms that will allow future capital injections and related shareholdings by the Government in the…