Open source projects

At Alliander, we have a number of projects in which we use and contribute to open source. We organise this in a variety of ways, for example by having various development teams working together with parties outside Alliander. We are also affiliated with LF Energy, part of the Linux Foundation.

Collaboration between energy companies

Alliander has a seat on the Governing Board and Technical Advisory Committee of LF Energy. LF Energy is an open source foundation focused on facilitating collaboration between energy companies. Through this foundation, and through our activities in the energy and other sectors, we work together with numerous energy companies. After all, many of us share the same challenge, which is exactly why we promote these collaborative efforts. By placing some of our projects with LF Energy, we can make good use of the network this foundation has built up, which then makes it easier for us to find parties interested in using, but mainly in contributing to, our open source software.

In addition to projects managed under LF Energy, at Alliander we always actively consider whether a tool or information may be more suitable as an open source endeavour. We then publish these ourselves.

Our collaborations in LF Energy

  • OpenSTEF

    OpenSTEF (Open Short Term Energy Forecasting) is software for forecasting the amount of electricity that will flow through the electricity grid during the next few days. OpenSTEF uses smart algorithms to produce a forecast based on measurements, weather forecasts, pricing on the energy market, and more.  

    Alliander uses OpenSTEF to operate the grid in a smart and efficient manner. In this way, Alliander can connect more customers to existing infrastructure while staying within the physical limits of the grid, avoiding overloading grid components, and preventing unsafe situations as well as blackouts.  

    OpenSTEF is an open-source project and is member of the Linux Foundation Energy (LF Energy). Alliander actively maintains the project and collaborates with RTE (France’s transmission system operator) to further develop OpenSTEF. Would you like to know more about OpenSTEF, for example how to contribute? Check out the project page or the technical documentation. 

  • Grid eXchange Fabric (GXF)

    Over the past few years, the number of smart devices on the electricity grid has drastically increased. These devices range from household smart meters to sophisticated substation Automation Systems. These smart devices can collect, share and act on data with no human intervention. 

    Alliander created Grid eXchange Fabric (GXF) to enable communication between the smart devices in the electricity grid and the applications in the Alliander’s datacenter and cloud. GXF can connect these applications with millions of smart devices that are deployed in the electricity grid. GXF provides several device management functions and provides scalability and high availability, high security, a generic design, and no vendor lock-in. GXF is currently used for several use cases at Alliander, including smart metering, public lighting, and distribution automation.    

    GXF is an open-source project and part of the Linux Foundation Energy (LF Energy). Alliander actively maintains the project. Would you like to know more about GXF, for example how to contribute? Check out the project page from LF Energy. 

  • CoMPAS

    Over the past few years, the number of sophisticated substation automation systems in the electricity grid has increased. There is also a need  for these systems to be configured. In the ideal situation this is an automatic engineering process that works well with hardware from multiple vendors and conforms to international standards. Today this is not the case and the engineering process requires a lot of manual work. This is why CoMPAS project has been initiated. This project going to provide common open source software components for automizing the process for configuring substation automation systems, support hardware from multiple vendors and has the ability to integrate third-party tools. One of the primary use cases for CoMPAS is the planning process for grid infrastructure components. This in order to facilitate the design of power system adaptations and the engineering of substation PACS that need to be installed or upgraded.  

    Alliander actively contributes to CoMPAS. Would you like to know more about CoMPAS, for example how to contribute? Check out the projectpage from LF Energy. 

  • OperatorFabric

    The aim is to automate the congestion management process as much as possible. However, there will still be a need for the system operator’s role in handling exceptions and alerts. This is where OperatorFabric comes into play. OperatorFabric provides a dashboard for the system operator, designed to aggregate notifications regarding exceptions and alerts from all applications into a single screen, enabling the system operator to take action. The notifications are represented by cards sorted in a feed based on their relevance period and severity. 

    The OperatorFabric project was initiated by RTE and has been adopted by Alliander. Alliander actively utilizes and contributes to OperatorFabric. If you would like to learn more about OperatorFabric, such as how to contribute, please visit the project page on LF Energy.

  • Shapeshifter

    To solve congestion Alliander sometimes wants to make use of flexible power from the market. Therefore it needs coordination mechanisms to interact with the market. Here is where Shapeshifter comes to play; Shapeshifter implements the market-based coordination mechanism of Universal Smart Energy Framework (USEF). It describes the corresponding market interactions for flexibility forecasting, offering, ordering, and settlement processes between aggregators and system operators and provides the software to do so. 

    Shapeshifter is, for example, used by GOPACS, which is a platform of the Dutch grid operators for trading of flex between aggregators and system operators. GOPACS offers large and small market parties an easy way to generate revenues with their available flexibility and contribute to mitigate capacity shortages in the electricity grid (congestion). 

    Alliander actively contributes to Shapeshifter. Would you like to know more about Shapeshifter, for example how to contribute? Check out the project page with LF Energy. 

  • Power Grid Model

    The rise in renewable energy and the electrification of energy consumption leads to more congestion. Congestion occurs when overloaded assets (e.g. electricity grid) are unable to carry additional electricity flow, due to the risk of overheating. Therefore congestion should be detected. To prevent congestion, a crisis scenario is needed. An example of a crisis scenario is the shrinkage of renewable energy of a wind farm. In order to decide what the best crisis scenario is, insight into the impact of possible scenarios need to be simulated. These simulations provide insight into the grid load, voltage levels and available grid capacity. This can be used to decide which crisis scenario is the right solution to solve the congestion. 

    Alliander created the Power Grid Model to do power system calculations for a substantial number of simulations. Power Grid Model provides software to do many simulations at once with short lead times. Compared to similar tools, it excels in its performance. Power Grid Model is an open source project and part of the Linux Foundation Energy. Alliander actively maintains the project. Would you like to know more about Power Grid Model, for example how to contribute? Check out the project page or the technical documentation. 

Alliander open source projects

  • Weather Provider API

    One of the projects Alliander is working on is the Weather Provider API. This API has been developed to make meteorological information easily and uniformly available. Users can receive this information in a practical format through a simple and uniform request. This can be done regardless of the complexity and the formats of which the original source consisted.  

    It is unavoidable that it will rain. What you do have influence on is your working method in case of rain. A lot of meteorological information is available. This information can be used to predict the weather and to determine the historical effects of the weather and its consequences. The information can also be used to create models that indicate what steps to take based on the weather.  

    The Weather Provider API has been developed to make meteorological information easily and uniformly available. Via the WeatherProvider API, users can request information in a format that is convenient for them via a simple request. The purpose of the Weather Provider API is to provide unambiguous access to a large amount of weather datasets. Alliander uses the meteorological information to make scenarios and predictions about, for example, soil temperature and its effect on temperature in the electricity cables.  

    Would you like to know more about the Weather Provider API? Check out the Weather Provider API project page. 

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